Spa, wellness, fitness & pool in the hotel

Water & warmth


This is how it is in Carinthia's nature in general and here at the Samerhof in a very special way! Our spa and wellness area in the hotel measures approx. 1000 m² (including sun terrace) of which 30 m² is a heated sky pool on the roof with a wonderful all-round view of the mountains from Nassfeld to Italy.

Available for you:

Frau entspannt in der Sauna im Familienhotel Samerhof

Finnish sauna

  • with a pleasant 95 ° C
Almhütten Wärmekabine im Wellnessbereich des Familienhotel Samerhof

Alpine huts heat cabin

  • Your alternative to the conventional sauna
Gemütlicher Wellnessbereich mit Türkischem Dampfbad im Familienhotel Samerhof, Kärnten

Turkish steam bath

  • Revitalizing & relaxing
Frau entspannt in der farbenfroh beleuchteten Bio-Kristall-Sauna im Hotel

Bio crystal sauna

  • Your sauna pleasure

Drinking fountain spring fresh

  • Fresh spring water at any time
Frau entspannt in der Sauna im Familienhotel Samerhof

Finnish sauna

  • with a pleasant 95 ° C
Almhütten Wärmekabine im Wellnessbereich des Familienhotel Samerhof

Alpine huts heat cabin

  • Your alternative to the conventional sauna
Gemütlicher Wellnessbereich mit Türkischem Dampfbad im Familienhotel Samerhof, Kärnten

Turkish steam bath

  • Revitalizing & relaxing
Frau entspannt in der farbenfroh beleuchteten Bio-Kristall-Sauna im Hotel

Bio crystal sauna

  • Your sauna pleasure

Drinking fountain spring fresh

  • Fresh spring water at any time

Family sauna

Wellness for the whole family

Kinder entspannen in der Familiensauna im Hotel
Visit our newly designed SPA and wellness area
Visit our newly designed SPA and wellness area
Gäste trainieren auf Premium-Geräten von Technogym im Fitnessraum des Hotels

Fit in the Samerhof

  • If you haven't reached your limit in nature, you can still help here.
Gäste nutzen Laufbänder und Trainingsgeräte im Fitnessraum vom Samerhof

Sweating, pumping, lifting ...

  • Part of the all-inclusive experience in the new fitness area.
Gäste trainieren auf Premium-Geräten von Technogym im Fitnessraum des Hotels

Cycling or running with premium training equipment from Technogym

  • Who can claim to have cycled in the barn?
Hantelreihe im Fitnessraum des Hotels


  • Between wooden beams and heavy metal.
Frau im Bademantel auf der Dachterrasse des Familienhotels Samerhof mit Bergblick


  • After a visit to the new showers, you relax your muscles.
Gäste trainieren auf Premium-Geräten von Technogym im Fitnessraum des Hotels

Fit in the Samerhof

  • If you haven't reached your limit in nature, you can still help here.
Gäste nutzen Laufbänder und Trainingsgeräte im Fitnessraum vom Samerhof

Sweating, pumping, lifting ...

  • Part of the all-inclusive experience in the new fitness area.
Gäste trainieren auf Premium-Geräten von Technogym im Fitnessraum des Hotels

Cycling or running with premium training equipment from Technogym

  • Who can claim to have cycled in the barn?
Hantelreihe im Fitnessraum des Hotels


  • Between wooden beams and heavy metal.
Frau im Bademantel auf der Dachterrasse des Familienhotels Samerhof mit Bergblick


  • After a visit to the new showers, you relax your muscles.


  • Bathrobes are ready for you. Fresh juices to cool off. Children can also enter if accompanied by their parents. Sauna and bath towels are provided.

Your all inclusive vacation in Carinthia

Book your all-inclusive vacation directly with us, quickly and at the best price.

Pure relaxationat the Samerhof:

Dream of nothing

Relaxation room

  • Escape the hustle and bustle and still be close to your loved ones: our new relaxation room manages this balancing act. Relax on our comfortable loungers, which will warm you comfortably. Your gaze wanders into the distance, lets you dream of peace and freedom. You look up to the sky and, quite by chance, discover fields of moss on the ceiling. A room that looks so fantastic in its dark blue, like a visit to Alice's Wonderland! If you are thirsty in between, you can refresh yourself at the tea counter and enjoy doing nothing.
Moderner Ruheraum der Entspannung mit bequemen Liegestühlen
Visit our newly designed SPA and wellness area
Visit our newly designed SPA and wellness area

OurPanorama Sky Pool:

With a view of the Nassfeld

Heated sky pool

  • The roof terrace at a height of 15 meters of our hotel offers the best all-round view of Italy - which you can also savor with a wellness pool feeling: There is our heated outdoor pool with soothing bubbling warmth over an entire water surface of 30 square meters. Linger in peace high above the roofs and let your gaze slide over the slopes and mountains.
  • Your eyes are so close to the piste that you could feel as though you are on the piste yourself. You can easily switch from the SPA to the pool area. Our sun terrace is connected to the pool and invites you to sunbathe in summer and to roll around the snow during sauna times in winter.
Frau im beheizten Sky Pool auf Dachterrasse
Our heated outdoor pool with soothing whirlpool warmth
Our heated outdoor pool with soothing whirlpool warmth



We experience so many wonders in everyday life, but the most beautiful are the smallest. It often doesn't take much for that: like loving yourself and doing something good for your character. If you want to function in everyday life as well as in your free time, treat your body to a change with a massage.

We have completely rethought the massage room. Secluded in a realm of well-being, you put yourself in the arms of people who mean well with you for an hour or more. Enjoy the moment to yourself!

Frau genießt Massage im Wellnessbereich des All-Inclusive Familienhotels Samerhof

Our wellness treatments:

Back massage

25 min. - € 43.00

Leg massage

25 min. - € 43.00

Full body massage

40 min. - € 68.00

Facial massage

20 min. - € 38.00

Children relaxation massage

25 min. - € 19.00

Hot stone massage

50 min. - € 84.00

Sea salt and olive oil peeling

25 min. - € 59.00

Do you have any questions about your

all inclusive vacation?

We are happy to provide you with advice and action at any time by phone or email. We are looking forward to your contact.

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